Winning Make no mistake, America will win the day against the terrorists. It may take five years or ten years. How will we know it? There will be many ways to measure our success. Ultimately victory will come when the number of terrorists in the world becomes insignificant. This will only happen when those who are thinking about terrorism as a career choice - choose not to. And that will happen when many things take place over time. 1. The Middle East is exposed to the western people i...
Opening salvo I'm in my forty fifth year on this earth. After graduating high school I joined the navy for four years during Jimmy Carters miserable presidency. During my enlistment I traveled around the world twice and visited over twenty countries. Near the end of my enlistment I got married to Michele. After that I went to school to be a commercial diver. I was hired by a company out of school and spent eighteen month in the Arabian Sea (Persian Gulf) working on the oil rigs pipelines on ...